Coupe Quad is crushing it!

  • May 19, 2024
  • Mara B Raddl Verified
  • Recommended
Child Comfort
Wagon Fold/Unfold
Product Functionality
Product Value
Product Quality

Coupe Quad is crushing it!

I have been agonizing over buying a wagon for my children for over a year! That’s right. A YEAR! and I finally had to pull the trigger when my son was officially 10 lbs. over my double stroller weight limit. I Love to walk and needed something that would hold all three kids that was as easy (or close to since I am realistic and know it’s a wagon) to push as my beloved city mini double GT stroller but nothing was sounding perfect. The cost was my biggest deterrent and then was the size and weight! I mean jeez! I am strong and lift my 60 lb. 7-year-old, but a 63 lb. wagon that can’t help at all seemed impossible.

I was originally interested in the Larktale Caravan Quad because it is lighter weight, but once I was introduced to Raddl and saw the coupe quad I knew it was the one. The smaller profile, more compact design, and reviews on ease of push were it for me and I am NOT disappointed. It came one day earlier than anticipated and I put it together and took it for a ride right away. It pushed like a dream! It was a little more difficult to push with all three kids than it was with just one or two, but nowhere near as difficult as other larger wagons that seat four that I have tried. it was easy to assemble and even with three crazy kids running around me and grabbing pieces it only took about 20 minutes. It was packed well with pad to protect it and the quality of that actual product is top notch. There are a couple things that I would love to change because nothing is “perfect” but overall, it is the best wagon for me, and I am thrilled I made the decision to purchase it.


*My 7, 5, and 2-year-old fit great together

*Beautiful and compact design that still holds four children comfortably

*Well-made and sturdy material

*Much easier to maneuver than other four-seater wagons of this caliber

*Excellent price point!

*Folds easily

*Over 200lb. weight limit and 97 per side

*Love the foot well option

*Comes with accessories and a rain cover!

*Great sunshade coverage and they can be kept on when folding the wagon

*5 point harness is so easy to make larger or smaller compared to others I have tried

*INCREDIBLE value especially with Raddl


*You have to unclip the seats to fold the wagon. This literally takes me less than 5 seconds so it isn’t a huge deal, but I would prefer if you didn’t have to.

*While there are storage attachments that come with the wagon, they do not hold a lot of weight. The snack “tray” attachment is a little less structured than I would like, but it is nice to have as an option.

*For me, the brake is a little more difficult to get to with the parent console basket on the side with the handlebar, but it’s nothing major and still easy to access overall.

*I have not figured it out yet, but you somehow have to turn the buckles if you want one child to sit in the center of a seat and use the 5-point harness.

*This wagon is heavier than I would like, but it is still 10 lbs. less than other 4 seat models I considered