Just pull the trigger and buy it

  • January 24, 2024
  • Alana H Raddl Verified
  • Recommended
Child Comfort
Running Ease of Use
Stroller Fold/Unfold
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Product Value
Product Quality

Just pull the trigger and buy it

I can honestly say I am extremely happy with this jogger! I was having a difficulty time deciding primarily between the dual lie and another brand. They were so close, but ultimately BOB had additional features I wanted so I went with it and I am extremely happy I did! Those additional features included more upright seats, a full snack tray bar, and large canopies. I love that the seats have some cushion and the handle bar is adjustable.

My 3 year old is very tall. In our Baby Jogger city select, she is scrunched up and the canopy cannot even go over her head with her crouching down. So comfort and space length wise was needed. This fit the bill and I’m sooooo happy it did! She has tons of room. When we opened it up, she climbed right in it and said “Mama, I love this!” Best stroller ride for her and she was content staying in it. I also have a 9 month old and he was happy as a clam. And to top it off, they made each other giggle and smile the entire first ride together, something that melted my heart that is not possible in an inline stroller. They’re excitement and happiness made me believe this was the right purchase for us.

This stroller is extremely durable. There is zero wobble and because of that, I feel my kids are completely secured and safe during walks and runs. It is sooooo smooth, like a smooth tank. I read reviews people stated it felt heavy to push, I don’t think it’s heavy at all. The wheels/tires are impressive with the amount of tread. I feel the storage is sufficient. If you have a large diaper bag, then you may want to get hanging straps for the handle bar or you may need to split some things up. But there are plenty of mesh pockets behind the seats and on the insides of the seats (both sides of kids waist) to put items in securely.

Is it large, absolutely but no other double joggers are smaller. Even with its size, I can turn it with one hand. If you’re looking for a compact double stroller, no jogger is going to give that to you, so scratch that off the comparison board and just accept these things are big, but honestly it doesn’t even really feel that big overall.

Upon arrival, the entire stroller was entirely wrapped in a plastic bag and the only assembly required was to put on the wheels (another great feature when traveling is the wheels easily pop on and off if needed making it a little more compact).

My couple knocks about the stroller that obviously didn’t prevent me from buying it but would definitely be nice is having one of the seats be compatible with a bassinet that another brand has. It is car seat compatible but the bassinet would give it that extra edge for sure. Secondly is the inclusion of a parent console. There is one available for purchase that is fabric, but a snap on plastic console would be amazing. My current Graco Fastaction has a plastic parent console and it’s so secure that I do miss having that. Nonetheless, I will be getting a fabric attachment console for that storage.

Because of this stroller I feel confident and excited to start getting back into races with two kiddos now! A much better solution than 2 jogging strollers for my husband and I.

So overall, I highly recommend especially if some of the features you want/need for your kids include snack trays and full coverage canopies.