Magnificent Wagon

  • September 1, 2023
  • Julie S Raddl Verified
  • Recommended
Child Comfort
Wagon Fold/Unfold
Product Functionality
Product Value
Product Quality

Magnificent Wagon

I LOVE this wagon and I am so happy with my choice! I did a lot of research and this is the perfect wagon for our family. We have very tall kids! Our 3 year old is 3’8” and our 1 year is 2’9”. This wagon is long so it will be perfect for my kids to continue to grow into! I am also very tall 6’0” and LOVE how tall the handle goes! It also goes so low that my 1 year old can even push the wagon!

I do wish the basket was on the other side just for convenience. Also I wish for somehow an easier way to climb in. My 3 year old can do it.

This wagon absolutely pushes better than my city select double jogging stroller. I had 4 kids in the wagon today and I would say it was still better/easier to push. We were 70lbs on one side and 65lbs on other! I love the large weight capacity on both seats (93 lbs each side).

The canopies are great but are very large and to get them into the car will need to be removed. Removing them is easy.

It is easy to fold and lift into my car. Any heavier would be a problem for me.

I think Larktale made a wonderful product here and I am thankful for it for making my life easier