The Gazelle lives up to the Hype!

  • September 19, 2023
  • Nicole F Raddl Verified
  • Recommended
Provides me peace of mind that my child is well protected
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The Gazelle lives up to the Hype!

I received this product in exchange for my honest and true review through the Raddl Rewards Program.

What can I say? We love the Gazelle.

We own 3 strollers (an everyday mom push, a jogger by guava family, and a travel stroller by mom push) But we got pregnant with a second baby and needed to think about an upgrade for multiples! I was so impressed with the Gazelle, its the perfect solution to our needs, here’s why:

  1. We were so wowed with all of the configurations. It’s so cool how you can add two seats, a cot and a seat or a seat and a huge basket. We will be using the lower forward facing seat and basket configuration until baby number two arrives. The basket is huge and perfect for storage in addition to the lower storage.
  2. The multiple configurations are so easy to setup. I thought this process was going to be daunting I just couldn’t imagine it only having previous strollers set for one. But this was a breeze!
  3. The 5 point harness is amazing on this stroller. It functions like a car seat where you snap and then pull the extra slack. I love this because you can get it secure each time and there is no fiddling with small buckles to tighten or loosen based on baby’s position
  4. Its pretty compact. the seats and the frame are pretty compact for an everyday stroller!
  5. It is so smooth. Its called a Gazelle for a reason. Even on grass or gravel this stroller is so smooth to push and more importantly an easy ride for the sleeping babies!

This will be our new everyday go to!